Now, I am diligently following the rules for accepting the nomination:
1) Many thanks to for her support and encouragement! She may be my only reader but that may be all I need to know!
2) Done!
3) Share 7 facts/or things about yourself:
- I, too, cannot swim;
- or bike;
- I once pitched a screenplay to James Cameron. Although he hasn't called me (yet), it was one of the greatest moments of my life thus far. I envision accepting an Oscar and including him among those I thank - maybe he'll remember me?
- In 2009, I won my seat to play in the World Series of Poker main event and was eliminated on Day 2. I can't wait to play again and win a WSOP championship bracelet! At $10,000, it's too pricey to buy-in to directly - any sponsors?
- I want to write a screenplay for a (time-travel) movie so cool that JC and Joss Whedon (writer-creator of one of my favorite television series of all time) would want to meet me as enthusiastically as I have wanted to meet them.
- I did not start said screenplay (yet) riddled with doubt and plagued with writer's block and laziness. I'm working on that. I don't really buy-in to numerology but it was very inspiring to read about my "Life Path Number" - 22 - aka a Master Builder. It made me feel better about being a late bloomer ("It can take someone with this number well into their adulthood before they manifest their dreams because they have to go through trials, and learning experiences before they mature enough to incorporate their true calling in their life.")
- I hit exercise session 81 today and am happy to have not dropped exercise
4) My Award "Nominees" - You can see how dated my blog reading has been because most of my nominees have been discontinued for years. I guess this is fitting somehow, as my blog was on life support until revived through this nomination. It would be awesome if my subsequent nominations had similar effect: - I don't care if she's already been nominated and if it appears I am just returning the favor - but, she really is my favorite blogger!!!
Not only is she an excellent writer, she is as thoughtful, insightful and kind on her blog as she is in real life.
What's funny is how many new things I learn about her just from reading her blog, although we have been best friends for over twenty years! Am I that dense or inconsiderate of my BFF to not have realized the formative nature of her wonderful childhood friendship with a tree or to have summarily dismissed this personally recommended sitcom only to appreciate its comedy in syndication now, more than 16 years after it first debuted?
I also didn't realize she was an air tourist! What!? That's the total opposite of me - I hate air travel although I appreciate its existence because I am all about getting to my destination using the fastest option possible. However, I regularly try to first, sleep deprive myself before the scheduled departure, then knock-out on the flight, hopefully not awaking until landing. and
Anna John, aka suitablegirl, was my favorite blogger for years almost a decade ago - how time flies. I remember eagerly checking her blogs regularly, always excited to read a new post and to follow what she shared about her life. She had such a unique, vivid and sassy writing style, and I hope she continues to write because she was really great at it. Sadly, she seems to have discontinued these blogs. She was also the co-founder of another innovative group blog that I'm sorry has also been discontinued.
Another discontinued blog nomination and shout out to another favorite blogger/writer from back in the day. I hope this lady puts out a novel one day because I would gladly buy it.
The most recent blog I discovered via my encounter with a blogger through my lackluster exploration of - he was too uptight for even short-term communication but he can write.