Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Walking Dead Season 5 Mid-season Finale - "Coda"

*Picture courtesy of

kōdə/ noun 
1 a : a concluding musical section that is formally distinct from the main structure. 
   b : a concluding part of a literary or dramatic work.

The mid-season finale aired last Sunday, 11/30, but I was so underwhelmed I am forcing myself to post only now, a week later.

I suppose what follows are spoilers but there wasn't much that wasn't rotten about this episode to begin with.

I second-guessed that I was even watching the mid-season finale because of how uneventful the episode was until the last five minutes. I get how things work now. I can just imagine zombie executives sitting around a conference room discussing their Walking Dead formula - elevate an otherwise non-essential character to only summarily kill off the character to give the masses something to talk about (and petition, really?) in an otherwise dull half-season. How lazy! 

Everything involving the hospital in the first part of this season 5 was just a contrived and empty construct leading to nothing but the elimination of an insubstantial character who was systematically inflated to artificially create the impression of a meaningful loss. I was as emotionally invested in this character's departure as I was (not) moved by the hokey folk music she performed in the last few minutes of previous episodes in place of a satisfying ending.  

It's not her fault that she was so poorly used. Who will be the baby Jude holder now (besides Tyrese, Carl and Michionne, who is also being wasted - even Carol has evolved!)? If your role on the show is to explain baby Jude's whereabouts and continued survival, your character's days are numbered. 

By the way, the actress who played Officer Dawn Lerner wasn't very good in the part and the character was a bore (although, it was cool to see her hold her own in a fight scene last episode). The best part of this episode was that Walking Dead brought an end to subjecting us to Officer Lerner, although they continue to waste our time and their season.


  1. It's really interesting to hear your thoughts on this because even though I don't watch this show, I heard so much about this and thought the killed-off character must have been as important as if say, Jack on Lost was killed off early on or something. So I like your take that this character was never that vital but was rather artificially elevated to set up this kill-off -- interesting take and I'm sure you're right since you have a keen eye for stuff like this. I bet the writers thought, "hmm, we need some ideas...hey! What if we..." to get some extra publicity down the line!

    1. Thank you! In my opinion, definitely not a vital character! Nowhere near a "Jack" from Lost... closer to... one of the tail section survivors. Are you curious to watch Walking Dead at all?
