Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Demand More, Fat Girls!

This scene from Louis C.K.'s sitcom, Louie, is being celebrated all over the internet:

A Jezebel article called it " absolutely magnificent" summing it all up as "Vanessa, who knows she's fat and is okay with it, isn't having it and proceeds to deliver one of the best dressing downs ever seen on television."

Was the author watching the same scene while doped up? First of all, Vanessa clearly is NOT okay with being fat, and in fact states "I'm fat. It sucks to be a fat girl. Can people just let me say it? It sucks. It really sucks."  

Second, as far as delivering one of the best dressing downs ever seen on tv, while the character of Vanessa indeed serves up an unfiltered reprimanding, it was more pathetic than empowering or charming. She basically proceeds to beg to have her hand held until her subject relents. Did Louie have any other option that would salvage his humanity? 

The exchange above, filled with awkward pauses, strained filming, and the actress's amateurish delivery, was completely unrealistic as far as its effectiveness in the real world outside of scripted television. A relationship has no (good) future that stems from forcing a person into acting upon feelings he/she doesn't have, and any person who would settle for as much probably isn't worth dating anyway. Vanessa has no qualms about employing the "guilt-trip" with little regard for the feelings of the object of her affection simply to get what she wants, conveying an immaturity and selfishness that are way bigger red flags for date-ability than her waistline. It would have been far more empowering if the character, following her rant, had not settled for pity-intimacy but instead made Louie work for it.

Have fat women and their supporters really set the bar this low?

Somebody get Vanessa a copy of "He's Just Not That Into You" stat. Her weight is the least of her problems, and probably representative of overeating to fill the gaping hole of her missing self-esteem.

p.s. I really need to upload a Twitter picture.

Update - BFF alerted me to this concurring article!

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